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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 33, Issue 5, pp. 995-1245

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On the Concept of Very Weak L2 Solutions to Euler's Equations

Hamid Bellout, Emil Cornea, and Jindrich Necas

pp. 995-1006

Some New Velocity Averaging Results

Michael Westdickenberg

pp. 1007-1032

Time Evolution of Nematic Liquid Crystals with Variable Degree of Orientation

M. C. Calderer, D. Golovaty, F. H. Lin, and C. Liu

pp. 1033-1047

Permanence of Weakly Coupled Vector Fields

Sebastian J. Schreiber

pp. 1048-1057

Critical Threshold and Stability of Cluster Solutions for Large Reaction-Diffusion Systems in R1

Juncheng Wei and Matthias Winter

pp. 1058-1089

Memory Driven Instability in a Diffusion Process

Brian R. Duffy, Pedro Freitas, and Michael Grinfeld

pp. 1090-1106

Quadrilateral Macroelements

Ming-Jun Lai and Larry L. Schumaker

pp. 1107-1116

Edge Bifurcations for Near Integrable Systems via Evans Function Techniques

Todd Kapitula and Björn Sandstede

pp. 1117-1143

Geometric Stability Switch Criteria in Delay Differential Systems with Delay Dependent Parameters

Edoardo Beretta and Yang Kuang

pp. 1144-1165

Bloch Approximation in Homogenization and Applications

Carlos Conca, Rafael Orive, and Muthusamy Vanninathan

pp. 1166-1198

On the Hardy--Littlewood Theorem for Functions of Bounded Variation

Paulo R. Zingano and Stanly L. Steinberg

pp. 1199-1210

On the Stochastic Euler Equations in a Two-Dimensional Domain

Jong Uhn Kim

pp. 1211-1227

Evolution of Elastic Curves in $\Rn$: Existence and Computation

Gerhard Dziuk, Ernst Kuwert, and Reiner Schatzle

pp. 1228-1245